David and Goliath

Exhibit Scripture Reference
1 Samuel 17
Exhibit Description
Have you ever wondered just how tall Goliath was or how heavy the armor may have been that David was given to wear? Have you thought about testing out a Bible-time sling and wondered what the stones may have been like to get a more vivid picture of what David faced and the protection and favor that God showed him? This exhibit will give each visitor the opportunity to step into this encounter with a giant. Would you be able to have the accuracy with a sling as David did?

Ways to Get Involved
There are a lot of ways to get involved with Trek Thru Truth. You’re always looking for donations of time or money to help further our mission in creating this children’s museum. Below are some specific pages depending on how you’d like to join us in our mission to create 52+ interactive exhibits based on the Bible while engaging children’s 5 senses through these exhibits as well as murals, art, music, drama, technology and more.
Are you interested in being involved and want to talk further? We’d love to talk with you more and see what would be the best fit for you and your talents.