As President of the Board for TTT, I would like to thank each of you for your donations, in-kind contributions and support of the Billy Graham: Pilgrim Preacher Exhibit. The traveling exhibition ran daily, except Mondays, from October thru March 20, 2020. The crew from Museum of the Bible disassembled and loaded the exhibit last week for its trek back to Oklahoma City to prepare for its next US city to land.
Thousands of individuals, families and church groups were able to explore how Billy Graham and his family engaged in the Bible and shared that with millions over seven decades. With your support, this was possible and was the first of many more national collaborations to come. Trek Thru Truth will engage families in 52 accounts of the Bible 365 days of the year! Museum of the Bible was very pleased with the install, our attention to the exhibit, and our promotions/marketing. This is just one of many other affiliations that are being developed.

Again, we appreciate your support!

President of the Board